Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A few messages...

January 09, 2013

This entry is going to be a summary of a few Angelus messages as well as the Holy Father's Urbi et Orbi Message on Christmas Day.  (Urbi et Orbi is Latin for 'to the city and to the world'.  It is a blessing given only twice a year, on Christmas Day and on Easter Sunday.)

Urbi et Orbi

Christmas 2012

“To the city and to the world…”

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                On Christmas day, Pope Benedict XVI greeted the city of Rome and the world with his annual “Urbi et Orbi” message from the central loggia of Saint Peter’s Basilica!

                In his message, the Holy Father reflected upon verse 12, “Truth has sprung out of the earth!” from Psalm 85, and its relation to where humanity finds itself today.  The Pope exclaimed with great joy that these words have been fulfilled, fulfilled in Jesus Christ who has been born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary.  The Holy Father quoted Saint Augustine, saying:

[I]n this yearly feast we celebrate that day when the prophecy was fulfilled: ‘truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven’. The Truth, which is in the bosom of the Father has sprung out of the earth, to be in the womb of a mother too. The Truth which rules the whole world has sprung out of the earth, to be held in the arms of a woman ... The Truth which heaven cannot contain has sprung out of the earth, to be laid in a manger. For whose benefit did so lofty a God become so lowly? Certainly not for his own, but for our great benefit, if we believe…

If we believe!  Pope Benedict reflected upon this comment of Saint Augustine, saying that God has done everything for us.  He has done what is impossible.  He became man and it is up to us to open our hearts to him!  Porta Fidei!  We must open the door of faith! 

“And yet, this same God cannot enter my heart unless I open the door to him. Porta fidei!  The door of faith!  We could be frightened by this, our inverse omnipotence.  This human ability to be closed to God can make us fearful.  But see the reality which chases away this gloomy thought, the hope that conquers fear: truth has sprung up! God is born!  “The earth has yielded its fruits” (Ps 67:7).  Yes, there is a good earth, a healthy earth, an earth freed of all selfishness and all lack of openness.  In this world there is a good soil which God has prepared, that he might come to dwell among us.  A dwelling place for his presence in the world.  This good earth exists, and today too, in 2012, from this earth truth has sprung up!  Consequently, there is hope in the world, a hope in which we can trust, even at the most difficult times and in the most difficult situations.  Truth has sprung up, bringing kindness, justice and peace.”

The Holy Father addressed specifically the people of Syria and appealed for an end to the bloodshed, access for the relief of refugees and the displaced, and dialogue in pursuit of a political solution.  He addressed the peoples in the Holy Land, the Israelis and Palestinians.  He addressed the countries in North Africa, especially Egypt, and the continent of Asia, especially the Peoples’ Republic of China.  He addressed Mali, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya.  He addressed all the faithful in Latin America.  He addressed us all and reminded us that,

“Kindness and truth, justice and peace have met; they have become incarnate in the child born of Mary in Bethlehem. That child is the Son of God; he is God appearing in history. His birth is a flowering of new life for all humanity.”

 “May every land become a good earth which receives and brings forth kindness and truth, justice and peace.  Happy Christmas to all of you!”


Feast of Saint Stephen

December 26, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI at his Angelus Message on December 26, 2012, through the Christmas tree!
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            Every year we celebrate the Feast of the first martyr, Saint Stephen the Deacon, the Protomartyr, after Christmas day.  Saint Stephen’s whole life was shaped by God, conformed to Christ, whose Passion is replicated in him”.  With beautiful words, the Holy Father teaches:

             On St. Stephen’s Day we too are called to fix our eyes on the Son of God whom in the joyful atmosphere of Christmas we contemplate in the mystery of his Incarnation. Through Baptism and Confirmation, through the precious gift of faith nourished by the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, Jesus Christ has bound us to him and with the action of the Holy Spirit, wants to continue in us his work of salvation by which all things are redeemed, given value, uplifted and brought to completion. Letting ourselves be drawn by Christ, as St Stephen did, means opening our own life to the light that calls it, guides it and enables it to take the path of goodness, the path of a humanity according to God’s plan of love. Lastly, St Stephen is a model for all who wish to put themselves at the service of the new evangelization. He shows that the newness of the proclamation does not consist primarily in the use of original methods or techniques — which of course, have their usefulness — but rather in being filled with the Holy Spirit and letting ourselves be guided by him.

The newness of the proclamation lies in the depth of the believer’s immersion in the mystery of Christ and in assimilation of his word and of his presence in the Eucharist so that he himself, the living Jesus, may speak and act in his messengers. Essentially, evangelizers can bring Christ to others effectively when they themselves live in Christ, when the newness of the Gospel is reflected in their own life. Let us pray the Virgin Mary that in this Year of Faith the Church may see an increasing number of men and women who, like St Stephen, can bear a convincing and courageous witness to the Lord Jesus.

             After the Angelus, the Holy Father greeted all the pilgrims present, asking that we may all be blessed with God’s grace to have the courage to speak up and to the defend the truth in public with charity and constancy. 

            Saint Stephen, pray for us!

Feast of the Holy Family
December 30, 2012
            Blessed Feast of the Holy Family!  The Holy Father, today, reflected upon the day’s Gospel passage found in Luke when Jesus as a twelve-year-old boy stays in the Temple while Mary and Joseph leave to return to Nazareth.  He offers these words:
Mary and Joseph’s anxiety about Jesus is the same as that of every parent who educates a child, introduces him or her to life and to understanding reality.  Today, therefore, it is only right to say a special prayer to the Lord for all the families of the world.  Emulating the Holy Family of Nazareth, may parents be seriously concerned with the development and upbringing of their children so that they grow up to be responsible and honest citizens, never forgetting that faith is a precious gift to be nurtured in their children by their own example.
At the same time let us pray that every child be welcomed as a gift of God and be supported by the love of both parents in order to increase, like the Lord Jesus in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man (Lk 2:52).
May the love, loyalty and dedication of Mary and Joseph be an example to all Christian couples who are not the friends or masters of their children’s lives, but rather are custodians of this incomparable gift of God.
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The silence of Joseph, a just man (cf. Mt 1:19), and the example of Mary who kept all these things in her heart (cf. Lk 2:51), usher us into the mystery of the Holy Family, full of faith and humanity.  I hope that all Christian families will live in God’s presence with the same love and the same joy as the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
            …May God bless you and your dear families!


Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

46th World Day of Peace

January 1, 2013



Blessed Feast Day and Happy New Year to all!

            “On the first day of 2013 I would like the blessing of God to reach each and every man and woman of the world. I bless you with the ancient formula contained in Sacred Scripture: ‘The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace’ (Num 6:24-26).”

          The Holy Father greets all today at the beginning of this New Year, reflecting upon the light and warmth felt by all when the Lord shines His face upon us.  He has with the birth of Jesus Christ!  Pope Benedict XVI teaches that first Jesus’ face was seen in a small, humble way by Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, but little by little it has increased and spread everywhere, first upon the Holy Land and then through the Church which is enlivened by His Spirit.  The Holy Father tells us:

         For this reason, eight days after the Nativity, when the Church — like the Virgin Mother Mary — shows the newborn Jesus, Prince of Peace, to the world we celebrate the World Day of Peace. Yes, that Child, who is the Word of God made flesh, came to bring a peace to men that the world cannot give (cf. Jn 14:27). His mission is to break down the “dividing wall of hostility” (cf. Eph 2:14); and when, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he proclaims his “Beatitudes”, among them is also “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Mt 5:9). Who are the peacemakers? They are all those who, day after day, seek to conquer evil with good, with the strength of the truth, with the arms of prayer and of forgiveness, with honest work well-done, with scientific research that is at the service of life, with the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The peacemakers are many, but they make not a sound. Like the yeast in dough, they cause humanity to rise according to God’s plan.

In this first Angelus of the new year, let us ask Mary Most Holy, the Mother of God, to bless us, just as the mother blesses her children who must leave on a journey. A new year is like a journey: with the light and grace of God, may it be a path of peace for every person and for every family, for every country and for the entire world.


After the Angelus, the Holy Father especially greeted the members of the Taize Community, who gathered in Rome, as well as the Family Love Movement.  He repeated to all again:

Blessed are the peacemakers!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us! 



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